
We are a charitable body responsible for the management and maintenance of the Sports Fields and Pavilion in Catterick Village, North Yorkshire.

We are made up of members of the local junior and senior sports teams and other volunteers from our community.

The Sports Association (CVSA) was formed over 20 years ago in 1996 when plans were first put together to replace the rotting old wooden huts that were used for the Youth Club and as changing rooms for the sports teams with a proper purpose built building. The sports field at that time was owned and maintained by the District Council who declared that as part of the agreement to let the building proceed that the future maintenance and up keep of the ground would have to be through a nominated party within the village. This was originally the Parish Council with the Sports Association formed to manage the facility on their behalf.

The Sports Association originally consisted of members of the Senior and Junior Football Clubs, the Cricket Club and representatives of the Parish Council. The responsibility and lease for the field was then transferred entirely to the Sports Association, who had become a registered charity, when the field was extended in 2009.

Contacts: email: info@catterickvillage-sports.org.uk
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Sports Fields, 

Catterick Village, 


North Yorkshire, 

DL10 7JY

Link to MAP